Choosing the best fresh lilies:
Here are some tips to help you choose good fresh lilies:
- Check leaves are dark green, the stems are clean cut and there is no obvious spotting on the buds.
- Make sure the buds are plump and ripe looking. Hard green buds may not open properly.
- No more than 1-2 flowers should be open.
- Always buy from an outlet where the flowers look fresh and they turn them over fast.
The following could indicate old flowers:
- Yellowing leaves
- The bottom of the stems going brown or slimy
- Wilting leaves or flowers
- Too many flower buds fully open
Caring for your lilies:
Get more life from your lilies by these simple steps:
- Regularly re-cut stems on an angle, this keeps the vascular tissue clean and able to transport water.
- Locate the flower vase out of direct sunlight or heat.
- Strip the lower leaves off up to the water level in the vase.
- Regularly refresh the water in the vase to keep it clean.